Resiliparse Process Guards

Resiliparse Process Guard API documentation.

class resiliparse.process_guard.InterruptType(value)

An enumeration.

Resiliparse context guard interrupt type.

exception = 0

Send only exceptions

signal = 1

Send only signals

exception_then_signal = 2

Send an exception first and follow up with signals

exception resiliparse.process_guard.ExecutionTimeout

Bases: ResiliparseGuardException

Execution timeout exception.

exception resiliparse.process_guard.MemoryLimitExceeded

Bases: ResiliparseGuardException

Memory limit exceeded exception.

exception resiliparse.process_guard.ResiliparseGuardException

Bases: BaseException

Resiliparse guard base exception.

class resiliparse.process_guard.InterruptType(value)

Bases: IntFlag

An enumeration.

class resiliparse.process_guard.MemGuard

Bases: _ResiliparseGuard

Decorator and context manager for enforcing memory limits on a running task.

Use the mem_guard() factory function for instantiation.

class resiliparse.process_guard.TimeGuard

Bases: _ResiliparseGuard

Decorator and context manager for guarding the execution time of a running task.

Use the time_guard() factory function for instantiation.


Increment epoch counter to indicate progress and reset the guard timeout. This method is thread-safe.

resiliparse.process_guard.mem_guard(max_memory, absolute=True, grace_period=0, grace_period_ms=0, secondary_grace_period=5, secondary_grace_period_ms=None, interrupt_type=exception_then_signal, send_kill=False, check_interval=500)

Create a MemGuard instance that can be used as a decorator or context manager for enforcing memory limits on a running task.

MemGuard guards a function or other context to stay within pre-defined memory bounds. If the running Python process exceeds these bounds while the guard context is active, an exception or signal will be sent to the executing thread.

If the thread does not react to this exception, the same escalation procedure will kick in as known from TimeGuard. In order for MemGuard to tolerate short spikes above the memory limit, set the grace_period parameter to a positive non-zero value. If memory usage exceeds the limit, a timer will start that expires after grace_period seconds and triggers the interrupt procedure. If memory usage falls below the threshold during the grace period, the timer is reset.

MemGuard provides the same parameters as TimeGuard for controlling the interrupt escalation behaviour, but the time interval before triggering the next escalation level is independent of the grace period and defaults to five seconds to give the application sufficient time to react and deallocate excess memory. This secondary grace period can be configured with the secondary_grace_period parameter and must be at least one second.


MemGuard is supported only on Linux. You can decorate functions with it on other platforms, but calling them will raise an error.

  • max_memory (int) – max allowed memory in KiB since context creation before interrupt will be sent

  • absolute (bool) – whether max_memory is an absolute limit for the process or a relative growth limit

  • grace_period (int) – grace period in seconds before sending an interrupt after exceeding max_memory

  • grace_period_ms (int) – grace period in milliseconds (use instead of grace_period if higher resolution needed)

  • secondary_grace_period (int) – time to wait after grace_period before triggering next escalation level

  • secondary_grace_period_ms (int) – secondary grace period in milliseconds (use instead of secondary_grace_period if higher resolution needed)

  • interrupt_type (InterruptType) – type of interrupt

  • send_kill (bool) – send SIGKILL as third attempt instead of SIGTERM (ignored if interrupt_type is exception)

  • check_interval (int) – interval in milliseconds between memory consumption checks

Return type:



Increment TimeGuard epoch counter to indicate progress and reset the guard timeout for the active guard context surrounding the caller.

If ctx ist None, the last valid guard context from the global namespace on the call stack will be used. If the guard context does not live in the module’s global namespace, this auto-detection will fail and the caller has to be supplied explicitly.

If no valid guard context can be determined, the progress report will fail and a RuntimeError will be raised.


ctx – active guard context (will use last global context from stack if unset)


RuntimeError – if no valid TimeGuard found

resiliparse.process_guard.progress_loop(it, ctx=None)

Wraps an iterator into a pass-through iterator that reports progress to an active resiliparse.process_guard.TimeGuard context guard after each iteration.

  • it (t.Iterable[t.Any]) – original iterator

  • ctx – active guard context (will use last global context from stack if unset)


wrapped iterator

Return type:


resiliparse.process_guard.time_guard(timeout=60, timeout_ms=None, grace_period=15, grace_period_ms=None, interrupt_type=exception_then_signal, send_kill=False, check_interval=500)

Create a TimeGuard instance that can be used as a decorator or context manager for guarding the execution time of a running task.

If a the guarded context runs longer than the pre-defined timeout, the guard will send an interrupt to the running thread. The timeout can be reset at any time by proactively reporting progress to the guard instance. This can be done by calling TimeGuard.progress() on the guard instance or the convenience function progress() (if the context is in the global scope).

There are two interrupt mechanisms: throwing an asynchronous exception and sending a UNIX signal. The exception mechanism is the most gentle method of the two, but may be unreliable if execution is blocking outside the Python program flow (e.g., in a native C extension or in a syscall). The signal method is more reliable in this regard, but does not work if the guarded thread is not the interpreter main thread, since only the main thread can receive and handle signals.

The Interrupt behaviour can be configured with the interrupt_type parameter, which accepts an enum value of type InterruptType:

If interrupt_type is exception, an ExecutionTimeout exception will be sent to the running thread after timeout seconds. If the thread does not react, the exception will be thrown once more after grace_period seconds.

If interrupt_type is signal, first a SIGINT will be sent to the current thread (which will trigger a KeyboardInterrupt exception, but can also be handled with a custom signal handler). If the thread does not react, a less friendly SIGTERM will be sent after grace_period seconds. A third and final attempt of a SIGTERM will be sent after another grace_period seconds.

If interrupt_type is exception_then_signal (the default), the first attempt will be an exception and after the grace period, the guard will start sending signals.

With send_kill set to True, the third and final attempt will be a SIGKILL instead of a SIGTERM. This will kill the entire interpreter (even if the guarded thread is not the main thread), so you will need an external facility to restart it.

  • timeout (int) – max execution time in seconds before invoking interrupt

  • timeout_ms (int) – max execution time in milliseconds (use instead of timeout if higher resolution needed)

  • grace_period (int) – grace period in seconds after which to send another interrupt

  • grace_period_ms (int) – grace period in milliseconds (use instead of grace_period if higher resolution needed)

  • interrupt_type (InterruptType) – type of interrupt

  • send_kill (bool) – send SIGKILL as third attempt instead of SIGTERM (ignored if interrupt_type is exception)

  • check_interval (int) – interval in milliseconds between execution time checks

Return type:
